Saturday, November 14, 2009

International Leather Sir/Boy and ICBB 2009 Contest

On October 29th my partner Court and I flew to San Francisco to attend the International Leather Sir/Boy and International Community Bootblack 2009 contest. When we first arrived we met up with Ms. World Leather 2005, Michelle Jackson. We really enjoyed spending time with her and getting to know her more.
On our first night we attended the kickoff at Mr. S Leather. I was thrilled to pick up my new leather uniform shirt. Of course I ended up buying leather and having my leather custom fit. It was great to meet other titleholders at Mr. S Leather and during the weekend for this event. I was thrilled to see American Leatherman, Alex and his partner Loren, International Ms. Leather 2009, Lamalani, and International Mr. Leather Jeffrey. It was also great to see John, Mr. New Jersey Leather 2009. It was also great to see Mr. Toronto Leather 2009.
It was nice to meet Gabrielle who interpreted for the event. While at Mr. S Court and I were shopping and just happened to chat with Gabrielle before we even knew he was the ASL interpreter for the event. We also met up with Greg and Joseph who are interpreters from San Francisco. We had dinner with them and it was Awesome.
All the contestants in the contests were great. There were so many great demonstrations, fantasies and speeches. For me the whole event was fun and the people were great. I really do have to say Kudos to all of the contestants.
Congratulations to Sir Tony and Boy Brad who won the title of International Leather Sir and International Leather Boy 2009. Congratulations to Syr Evan who won International Community Boot Black 2009.
In the picture above Court and I were thrilled to meet up with Jeffrey, IML2009 and his partner David. We all walked to a couple bars together and chatted.
Court and I went out to eat with Greg and Joseph for dinner on Halloween night and wow what a riot it was from the hotel to the Castro. People were dressed up in costumes and they were everywhere. I have never seen so many people dressed up and having such a great time on the streets.
I am really thankful to the organizers of the ILSB/ICBB contest. I am thankful that they had an ASL interpreter and that they also made me feel very welcome.
I could write so much more but then it would be like a book so I will stop here but will add some pictures from the contest and from the weekend. If you have never attended an ILSB/ICBB event. I strongly encourage you to attend one as for me it was a wonderful experience.

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