Monday, January 25, 2010

Mid Atlantic Leather 2010

I finally attended Mid Atlantic Leather (MAL) I can tell you all it was a blast and I definitely will go again. It was great to see my IDL sisters and brothers and also my Sash sisters an brothers. It was great to see so many others as well.
My partner Court and I both arrived in DC on Thursday night and Boy Brad IDLboy 2006 picked us up. We stayed with Boy Brad and Sir Y IMDL2008. Thanks Sir Y and Boy Brad for such wonderful hospitality. IDL BOy Taz arrived on Friday and it was great to see him again.
Friday afternoon we went to register and were thrilled to run into several people that I have not seen for a while. Friday night some of us went to the Green Lantern to attend the fund raiser for CLAW. It was a great night and my partner sure enjoyed winning 3 prizes.
Saturday afternoon I attended IDL meeting and then after that went to Green Lantern for IDL fund raiser. IDL Boy Taz and I went around selilng 50/50 tickets for our travel fund. IDL also sold draft beer and shots. Thanks to the Green Lantern for allowing us to have our fund raiser there.
After that I attended leather cocktails. I got to spend some time with Mr. Boston Leather and several others. It was great to see the parade of colors. It was also great to see my sash brother Jeffrey, Sash Sisters Lamalani, Pony, ILB Boy Brad. There were also so many others that I was happy to see and hope to spend more time with in the future.
Sunday afternoon we went to the 930 club to attend the contest. It was a great contest and CONGRATULATIONS TO Matt Bramford our Mr. MAL 2010. All of the contestants were great and they all seemed to have a great time.
After the contest we attended the reaction dance that night. It was fun. It was nice to spend some time with my IDL sisters and brothers as well as many others.
I finally visited Gallaudet but did not get to go inside the buildings yet. We saw the museums but did not get to go inside yet. I am definitely going back and going to plan to do more sight seeing.

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